Your path :

Your house, apartment, property valuation in Taintrux 88100 and surrounding areas

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Online valuation
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Refine the valuation of your property with Audrey CRIVELLARI
Analysis of over 100 criteria with our highly effective valuation tool : PRECISIO
The right price
Find out the market value of your property in Taintrux and the surrounding area and sell quickly at the right price.

How do you estimate the value of a property? Our methodology:

Capifrance helps you in the first step of your real estate project: obtaining a reliable valuation of your property.

  • We objectively assess the value of your property taking into account multiple criteria related to its characteristics and its surroundings.
  • It requires a good knowledge of the local real estate market and solid experience.

Why is it important to set a fair price right from the beginning of your project?

The gap between the price we wish to obtain for our property (including sentimental value) and the market reality often occurs. An accurate valuation from the outset is essential to:

  • Avoid overvaluing the property.
  • Prevent a decrease in the number of viewings.

The expertise of a real estate advisor, following an online estimation, becomes a competitive advantage before listing the property for sale.

Area Taintrux

Sold properties

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  • 106
  • 3 bedrooms
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Capifrance consultant